Lisa Foley

Get in Touch

Do you ever feel blocked or under-confident in your creative endeavours?

Why not try…

Counselling & Mentoring
for Creatives

Consultations available

Lisa Foley understands the unique  challenges of…

The Creative Life

As a creative person, perhaps you…


  • Suffer a block that is stifling your progress?
  • Feel alone or lack confidence in your creative endeavours?
  • Need a creative solution to your problem but can’t find it?
  • Worry about your future as a creative/creator?
  • Suffer from issues at work or home that impact your creativity.
  • Feel the need for a confidential discussion about your project/story/idea with someone who understands?
  • You just need a good chat about the various challenges in your life?

Lisa can help with all of this, and more. She offers her depth of insight, clarity and compassion to help you gain confidence and lucidity, and to extend your creative capacity.  She can help you bring a depth to your work, no matter your creative field.

Corporate Creative Development

Is your workplace dealing with a creative challenge that needs support?

Lisa can offer…

  • Connected support that listens and comprehends your workplace challenges, and tailors focused problem solving.
  • Unbiased care for individual staff needs and challenges within the collective solution.
  • Assistance to identify and alleviate the blocks that stifle creative progress in your workplace.
  • Encouragement to help your staff build confidence in moving forward with new ideas/strategies.
  • Help staff discover ways of easing worry about the future in the workplace/business.

Lisa works with:

  • Screen writers
  • Authors
  • Poets
  • Visual artists
  • Comedians
  • Agents
  • Designers
  • Journalists
  • Actors
  • Teachers
  • Photographers
  • Project managers
  • Podcasters
  • CEOs

Why Choose Lisa?

Lisa Foley is an artist, children’s author and qualified counsellor, who has worked across many creative fields including a decade in Film and TV. For the past fifteen years Lisa has run her own business as a public artist, community arts facilitator and creative mentor, working with people from all walks of life, many facing intense personal and mental health challenges.

Lisa understands the unique challenges of a creative life, from blocks to business. Utilising her depth of creative and personal experience she offers counselling for creatives, creative mentoring and creative development workshops. No matter which field of creative expertise you are in, from writing to performance, from visual arts to corporate, Lisa can offer heart-felt support.

Words From Clients

Before I was working with Lisa it was taking me a few days to process what was really happening. I kept being tripped up by my need to protect myself from everyone.

During our time together I have been able to gently and softly come to trusting more in others. Truthfully being with what’s really there and not what my mind is throwing at me based on passed evidence and conditioning. This means now I am able to feel my truth more fully and trust in what I am as a creator.

Lisa is spectacular at what she does. She is a trusted advisor in my most challenging circumstances and always invites me to move into the potentiality of a situation. Instead of feeling trapped by circumstance.

I get to maintain my own equilibrium and live in providence that all possibilities are available for me. It has changed the material reality of my day to day life and I now know I am valuable, and safe to share truthfully and vulnerably.

Leah Kearns

Founder and Conscious CEO, WE-Being, Earth Sky Co & Enlightenly

The thing I love about Lisa’s creative mentoring is that she is not afraid of reminding me of when I am stuck in the repetitive success driven thought patterns that a lot of creatives can fall into. This allows me to go deeper into the subconscious and see when my creativity is not coming from the right place.

Lisa offers a no judgement, warm & open environment for me to vent, let out and explore where my feelings are coming from and set goals moving forward.

I recommend anyone who needs developing as an artist or human being to engage in counselling sessions with her.

Paul M,

Comedian, Writer, Actor

I first approached Lisa for a series of creative counselling consultations after I had just completed a screenplay that needed minor improvements. Thanks to Lisa’s eagle eye and constructive feedback, my writing has been elevated in ways I could not have previously imagined.

What I have appreciated most is Lisa’s laser focus for when I fall back on cliché, and the way she has taught me to push through in order to develop character and story more deeply, in ways that make sense and connect more strongly with audiences.

Yet despite being laser-focussed in her assessment of my work, Lisa has given me, most of all, the space and encouragement to develop my own voice as a writer. It is in this balance of helping me to develop my discipline, yet also encouraging me to find my own way through playfulness and curiosity, that I am most thankful for.

Lisa’s long career in the arts, and her gentle manner, have ensured me that I feel safe in sharing my ideas with her because she understands and respects the process. I would not hesitate to recommend Lisa unreservedly, for anyone needing some direction, inspiration or feedback on a project.

Jackie P

Writer, Teacher, Actor

Having first met Lisa Foley in 2014, whilst she painted a mural in the Veteran’s PTSD facility at the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, she has since mentored me in a variety of visual art forms along with story writing skills.

Coming from a technical and military background, and suffering severe PTSD, art has proved a powerful medium for my ongoing wellbeing and rehabilitation. For me, the thereapetutic benefits of art have changed my life.

Lisa has a wealth of life experience, artistic ability and formal education to provide holistic and well-rounded guidance and advice on my recovery and rehabilitation journey.

Uncannily, Lisa has a natural rapport with veterans, both military and first responders. She instils a calming, no-nonsense approach to imparting artistic skills and knowledge. These endeavours have greatly aided me with healing both the spirit and mind. Such an artistic journey has also had a positive effect on my family.

Don H

Veteran, Writer, Artist

Contact Lisa today to book a  Creative Counselling Session

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'It Doesn't Matter What You Create!'

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